A Special Edition: Have You Met this Raider? FAREWELL ENARA

For the past three months there has been a exchange student from Spain attending STA. I became her friend, talked to her, shared some laughs, and I looked at life from her perspective: outside of North America. She is leaving in a few days, so I did a mini interview with her. Here is what Enara had to say.

I feel freer in Spain because, of course, I am from there. I know all the bends, [and] I have more control.” 

“The food is amazing, and it feels like home every time.”

“Life in Spain was great–it still is. I wanted to explore Canada because it is so new. The opposite of Spain. Starting here in Canada was a milestone, but I wish I could experience more of Canada before I leave.

”My happy place is summertime.”

“Every summer I used to go to the coast with my friends, Uxue, Ane, Julien, and Peio. Life is slower, and calmer with them around.”

“I need to jump out of my comfort zone a little before I go back to where it is most comfortable. I am going to go home this weekend. I missed my family, but staying here for a while was fun. I made some more good friends.

Thanks for being an awesome part of the Raider Community. We will miss you, Enara!