Life In Grade 9 Pre-IB

Life in Grade 9 Pre-IB, in my opinion, is a really neat place to be in high school. It’s a collection of students who devote their weeks to working hard, and a place where it is cool to work hard and get good grades. For the most part, all the students in my Pre-IB classes are very friendly and behave well towards all of their peers and teachers, creating a nice atmosphere both in and out of the classroom.

The teachers are very friendly, too. I have two subjects in Pre-IB this semester (the other two are electives) and both of the people teaching those classes are kind and helpful to me and my classmates.

My favourite part of Pre-IB is the fact that there is less students in Pre-IB than in academic, so there are higher odds that you will be paired up with friends you make in at least one subject.

Here’s the cool part: It’s not as hard as it looks to get in. All you need to do is write a simple standardized test with relatively easy questions. Basically all of my friends in Pre-IB got at least 90 on the test. If you stick with the IB program all the way through high school, you will be able to gain University credits in Grade 12.

Overall, Grade 9 Pre-IB is an awesome place and if you are in Grade 9 Academic right now and thinking about joining Pre-IB in Grade 10, I definitely recommend you try it out – because it is truly a cool experience and there is a good chance you’ll make it in!