STA Celebrates World Kindness Day, Inspires Positivity

World Kindness Day took place on Saturday, November 13th and STA’s Social Justice Council arranged sticky notes sharing uplifting messages all over the school to celebrate. World Kindness Day is a celebration that allows us to reflect on how we can be kind to others, ourselves, and how we can make the world around us a better place. Though we should always strive to be kind, this celebration acts as a reminder and opportunity for us to actively “Inspire Kindness” which is the theme of this year’s Kindness Day. Hanging the positive sticky notes around the school had a catalyst effect on the positivity within the STA community. It inspired others to “pay it forward” through random acts of kindness like holding open doors, giving compliments, and overall promoting a more optimistic environment. Members of the Social Justice Council shared with me the significance of this celebration, “Inspiring others to show kindness is powerful and important, so let’s all remember to show our appreciation and kindness, tomorrow (November 13th) and the days beyond…. We hope these messages have made your day and inspired you to carry on with your own acts of kindness!” This celebration was inspiring and helped us all to step back and analyze how we can contribute to the well-being of not only ourselves but of everyone around us.

For more information from the Social Justice Council, follow them on Instagram @sta.sjc.